Texas Christian Church
Download the document files from sermons of previous Sundays this year.
First Christmas Journeys series
#1 - "The Journey of the Ill-reputed”
#2 - "The Journey of the Interrupted”
#3 - "The Journey of the Inquiring”
#4 - "The Journey of the Imperiled”
of Elijah series
#3 - "When Suffering Hits Close to Home"
#5 - "High Noon on Mount Carmel"
#9 - "The Truth Shall Set You Free"
Sermon on the Mount series
#1 - "So You Want To Follow Jesus...”
#3 - "Happy Are The Heartbroken"
#8 - "Happy Are The Harmonious"
#10 - "God's Remedy for a Dull, Dark World"
#11 - "Christ, the Law, and the Christian" (part 1)
#12 - "Christ, the Law, and the Christian" (part 2)
#13 - "Christ, the Law, and the Christian" (part 3)
#15 - "Thou Shalt Not...Even Think About It!"
#18 - "I'm Supposed to Love Who?"
#21 - "Fasting and the Christian"
#25 - "The Problem With Pearls and Pigs"
#26 - "The Preacher's Greatest Problem"
#29 - "Are You In For A Surprise?"
"King of the Jungle" (03/12/06)
"Just a Dress Rehearsal" (04/09/06 - Palm Sunday)
"Looking for Life in All the Wrong Places" (04/16/06 - Easter Sunday)
"The Best Mother's Day Gifts" (05/14/06 - Mother's Day)
"Following Father's Footsteps" (06/18/06 - Father's Day)