Texas Christian Church
Download the document files from sermons of previous Sundays this year.
Worthwhile Worship
#4 - "What to Wear to Worship"
#6 - "Our Pledge of Allegiance"
#12 - "What's It Worth To You?"
Easter 2007
"The Reality of the Resurrection"
God's Blueprint for the Home
#1 - "The Family's Foundation"
#2 - "The Original Design for Marriage"
#5 - "The Challenge of a Godly Mother" (Mother's Day)
#6 - "Rules for the Remarriage"
#7 - "A Plan for Parenthood (part 1)"
#8 - "A Plan for Parenthood (part 2)"
#9 - "The Challenge of a Godly Father" (Father's Day)
#11 - "The Grandest Part of the Family"
#12 - "Let Brotherly Love Continue"
#13 - "Feeding the Family Right"
#14 - "The Church Under My Own Roof"
Be Still and Know
#1 - "The Prayer of Listening Silence"
#2 - "The Listening Lifestyle of Jesus"
#3 - "The Bible as Prayer Book"
Take This Job and Love It
#3 - "Glorifying God on the Job"
#5 - "Getting Along with the Boss"
#7 - "Union Dues...and Don'ts"
#8 - "Those Annoying Associates"
#9 - "Hazardous To Your Health"
#10 - "Surviving the Stress Mess"
Believing Is Seeing (Gospel of John)
#2 - "The Majesty of Christmas"
#3 - "The Mystery of Christmas"
#4 - "The Ministry of Christmas"
(for remainder of series, click here)